1492 |
Year 2050 - Planet Cyan - Technological advancement equivalent to 1492 earth, first sailing ships |
1705 |
Francis Hauksbee made a glass ball that glowed when spun and rubbed with the
hand |
1720 |
Stephen Gray discovered insulators and
conductors |
1745 |
German physicist Ewald Georg von Kleist and Dutch scientist Pieter van Musschenbroek invented Leyden
jars |
1752 |
Benjamin Franklin showed that lightning was electrical by flying a kite, and explained how Leyden jars work |
1783 |
French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb formulated Coulomb's law |
1800 |
Italian physicist Alessandro Volta invented battery |
1820 |
Danish physicist Hans Christian Ørsted accidentally discovered
that the change in electric field creates magnetic field |
1820 |
One week after Ørsted's discovery, French physicist André-Marie
Ampère published his law. He also proposed right hand screw rule |
1825 |
English physicist William Sturgeon developed the first electromagnet |
1827 |
German physicist Georg Ohm introduced the concept of electrical resistance |
1831 |
English physicist Michael Faraday published the law of induction (Joseph Henry developed the same law
independently) |
1831 |
American scientist Joseph Henry in United States developed a prototype DC motor |
1831 |
The era of electronic inventions begins, but little was known about electricity |
1832 |
French instrument maker Hippolyte Pixii in France developed a prototype DC generator |
1836 |
Irish priest (and later scientist) Nicholas Callan invented transformer in Ireland |
1844 |
American inventor Samuel Morse developed telegraphy and the Morse
code |
1850 |
Belgian engineer Floris Nollet invented (and patented) a practical AC
generator |
1855 |
First utilization of AC (in electrotherapy) by French
neurologist Guillaume Duchenne |
1856 |
Belgian engineer Charles Bourseul proposed telephony |
1856 |
First electrically powered light house in England |
1862 |
Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell published four equations, forming the classical theory
of electromagnetic radiation, bringing together for the first time electricity, magnetism, and light as manifestations of the same phenomenon. |
1862 |
Pantelegraph could transfer an image through wires, similar to the way telephone wires transfer sound. |
1873 |
Belgian engineer Zenobe Gramme who developed DC generator accidentally discovered that a DC
generator also works as a DC motor during an exhibit in Vienna. |
1873 |
The transfer of pictures to signals. Two scientists named Smith and May experimented with selenium. It helped them
figure out that they could transform pictures into signals to be sent over wires more easily. |
1876 |
Russian engineer Pavel Yablochkov invented electric carbon arc lamp |
1876 |
Scottish inventor Alexander Graham Bell invented
telephone |
1877 |
American inventor Thomas Alva Edison invented
phonograph |
1877 |
First street lighting in Paris, France |
1878 |
First hydroelectric plant in Cragside, England |
1878 |
English engineer Joseph Swan invented Incandescent light bulb |
1879 |
Thomas Alva Edison introduced a long lasting filament for the incandescent lamp. |
1880 |
Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison came up with the Photophone. It could transfer sound, but they aimed for it to do
the same with pictures at a higher quality. |
1882 |
First thermal power stations in London and New York |
1884 |
A man named Paul Nipkow figured out how to send multiple pictures through wires. He used a rotating disk to move the
pictures. |
1888 |
German physicist Heinrich Hertz proved the that electro magnetic waves travel over some
distance. (First indication of radio communication) |
1888 |
Italian physicist and electrical engineer Galileo Ferraris publishes a paper on the induction motor and
Serbian-American engineer Nikola Tesla gets a US patent on the same device[3][4] |
1890 |
Thomas Alva Edison
invented fuse |
1893 |
During the Fourth International Conference of Electricians in Chicago electrical units in were defined |
1894 |
Russian physicist Alexander Stepanovich Popov developed a prototype of a radio receiver |
1896 |
First successful intercontinental telegram |
1897 |
German inventor Karl Ferdinand Braun invented cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) |
1900 |
Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi succeeded in first radio broadcast |
1900 |
The first "television" was seen at the 1900 World Fair in Paris. |
1901 |
First transatlantic radio broadcast by Guglielmo Marconi |
1904 |
English engineer John Ambrose Fleming invented diode |
1906 |
American inventor Lee de Forest invented triode |
1907 |
Vacuum tubes and cathode ray (picture) tubes invented |
1912 |
American engineer Edwin Howard Armstrong developed Electronic oscillator |
1919 |
Edwin Howard Armstrong developed standard AM radio
receiver |
1921 |
Metre Convention was extended to include the electrical units |
1924 |
A scientist from Scotland, named John Baird, developed a way to capture objects in motion. It was called the moving picture,
and paved the way for movies and TV shows. |
1925 |
The first long distance television test ran between Washington D.C. and New York. |
1926 |
Yagi-Uda antenna was developed by the Japanese engineers Hidetsugu Yagi and Shintaro Uda |
1928 |
First experimental Television broadcast in the
US. |
1928 |
The first TV station was named W3XK. It was owned by Charles Jenkins. |
1929 |
First public TV broadcast in Germany |
1931 |
First wind energy plant in the Soviet Union |
1936 |
Dudley E. Foster and Stuart William Seeley developed FM detector circuit. |
1936 |
At first the TV reach was very small. By 1936 there were 200 sets in use, but that number quickly grew. |
1937 |
CBS was the first major TV network. |
1938 |
Russian American engineer Vladimir K. Zworykin developed Iconoscope |
1939 |
Edwin Howard Armstrong developed FM radio receiver |
1939 |
Russell and Sigurd Varian developed the first Klystron tube in the US. |
1939 |
TV's were tested at the World Fair in 1939 to market to the public. One of the first TV brands was RCA. |
1941 |
German engineer Konrad Zuse developed the first programmable computer in Berlin |
1944 |
English engineer John Logie Baird developed the first color picture tube |
1947 |
American engineers John Bardeen and Walter Houser Brattain together with their group leader William
Shockley invented transistor. |
1950 |
French physicist Alfred Kastler invented MASER |
1950 |
Color TV sets are finally released |
1951 |
First nuclear power plant plant in the
US |
1953 |
First fully transistorized computer in the US |
1958 |
American engineer Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit (IC) |
1960 |
American engineer Theodore Harold Maiman invented the LASER |
1961 |
One of the first remote color television programs ever aired nationally by NBC was Marineland Circus, from then Marine
Studios, just south of St. Augustine, FL. The hour-long special featured Rosemary Clooney, Lloyd Bridges and Buster Crabbe |
1962 |
Nick Holonyak Jr. invented the LED |
1969 |
TV from the moon, Neil Armstrong |
1974 |
Year 2050 - Planet Twitter - Technological advancement equivalent to 1974 earth, finally all TV
programs are in color |
1978 |
First performance of Mystical Magical Miniature Circus of Paradise Planet |
1997 |
The flat screen takes over, first developed by Panasonic |
2008 |
American scientist Richard Stanley Williams invented memristor which was proposed by Leon O. Chuain
1971 |
2009 |
The HDTV all digital mandate |